Drilling into the detail, BBC Radio Ulster/Foyle saw a weekly audience drop from 580,000 to 490,000, with a 10% decrease in hours.
Cool FM posted a loss (482,000 to 478,000) with a 1% dip in hours; Downtown fell from 258,000 to 194,000, losing 35% of hours; and Downtown Country increased from 120,000 to 123,000 boosting hours by 38%.
Q Radio is no longer reporting separate figures for Belfast and the original six stations; the combined number is now 271,000 (up from 231,000 when the two published figures from a year ago are added together) along with a 19% uplift in hours.
This time U105 is reporting on its original FM area, with a listenership of 201,000 (up from 12 months back when it was 172,000) and a 3% rise in hours; plus a further 29,000 within its DAB footprint.
As always, all comparisons are year-on-year and each station’s figures relate to its own stated Total Survey Area.
*RAJAR is compiled by Ipsos-MORI
The national picture from Matt Deegan:
Paul Easton with the London perspective: